Hi! I’m Cynthia and the reason I started this blog is…
When I was 14 I went to a one-week camp which was in the middle of nowhere and everyone slept in tents. I got my first challenge of surviving this camp while on my period and being a dark, curly-haired girl… with no shower access.
Wait, that sounds like an army camp, but it wasn’t, I promise!
Since I like smooth skin as much as hiking and camps, over the time I’ve gotten some tips and tricks up my sleeve on how to remove body hair efficiently both in the comfort of your home and in the middle of a forest (even if you are accompanied by sister Flow at the same time).
When I hit puberty I noticed two things:
- The Universe thinks women are born as a naked mole rat. (I was not like that. EVER!)
- Teenage girls don’t really share the struggle of periods. (It was very true for me at my school)
Since then I’ve had to learn a few (seems like a million, actually) things about hair removal and that time of the month.
So the main focus for my articles will be about hair removal and periods, for example:
- Tampons VS Pads – What is Best?
- To Shave or Not to Shave? 10 tips&tricks.
- Best Hair Removal Products and Systems.
The other reason why I made this page – well, I was never a hairless gal. From the day I was born – I was probably one of the hairiest babies in the hospital. (Thank you, dad’s genes) and I’ve missed a couple of days of school because I wanted to pull out my uterus out and throw it out when that time of the month came around.
I’ve tried out many methods in that field, and ladies – menstrual cups are MY go-to. Sorry, but they are too good to be true. But since I understand that this blog is meant for not only women but also for young girls just having their first period, then I have included the other (the old fashioned) methods too.
The other part is meant for hair removal.
A lot of people compliment my dark curly hair. From that, you should understand that I have DARK and COARSE body hairs. If only someone would compliment my hairless legs once in a while.
I’m pretty sure I’ve tried it all – shaving, waxing, threading, laser hair removal, going all-natural.
(Not too fond of the last one. But cheers to ladies that embrace it and just don’t give a damn.)
My body is picky, therefore, I’ve had to adapt to different methods for different body parts.
I can wax my bikini, but would I ever try it for legs? Never again! I get red bumps and ingrown hairs. The lower part of my legs likes shaving in the opposite way of hair growth, upper part likes shaving in the same way of hair growth. Armpits love epilating, not so much shaving.
That being said, I don’t understand why women get asked: “What could you possibly do so long in the shower?”
Since every woman actually is individual and different in her own kind of way, I’d be more than happy if you, (YES, GIRL, YOU) would write for Miss Coty.
The struggle IS real. I have deep knowledge about dark, coarse hair, but if you know a thing or two about light, red, thin or thick hair, or about staying positive during that time of the month – contact me!